Timothy Bergin
Training and Experience Tim trained as an ‘all-aspects family mediator’ with LawWise in 1977. As a family lawyer for some 20 years, Tim has extensive knowledge of family law and uses this when acting as a mediator. He has mediated and resolved a number of family disputes, involving both children and finance. A holistic approach to family mediation As a family mediator for many years, I am acutely aware of the limitation which impact on the mediation process. I have met with couples who have opted to mediate, but who ultimately fail as a result of their inability to overcome a level of hostility towards their ex-partner. This can be extremely frustrating to the mediator who must endeavour to maintain independence and any temptation to express one's feelings must be exercised with caution. I strongly believe that with access being restricted to the family court, separating couples need to consider a more holistic approach to separating. I have recently involved the services of a psychologist and psychodynamic Integrative Counsellor with an expertise working with separating couples, into the mediation process. This has resulted in a very different dynamic to the mediation and a far greater exploration of the issues which the couple wish to explore. I was asked to consult with a young child of the relationship and utilised the support of the counsellor with experience of working with young people. The child's views were obtained and although the message which I had to deliver to one of the parents was a difficult message for the parent to hear, I was greatly assisted, as I believe were the parents with the involvement of the therapist when delivering this message. The child is now receiving counselling from the same therapist who has a good grasp of the issues which concern this child, having attended the mediation and the child has already developed a relationship with the counsellor. I remain in contact with this therapeutic team with the aim of offering this as a complement to the family mediation which I now offer through Disputes Mediated and working with the team, we aim to develop a more complete therapeutic service. The Mediation Process Tim mediates by bringing the parties together so that agreement may be reached. He uses his experience as a family lawyer to ensure that the outcome of the mediation process will be sanctioned by the courts and which both parties accept. Tim is prepared to travel to facilitate mediation sessions or to conduct sessions in chambers at times to suit those who wish to mediate. This may fit around child care arrangements or work commitments. Mediation will begin with a meeting taking place with Tim where he can explain the process and answer questions from the parties. This meeting will take place in chambers and lasts approximately 30 minutes. There will be no charge for this meeting. If parties wish to undertake mediation with Tim, further appointments will be arranged at everyone’s convenience. The total cost for the sessions is £200 per hour. At the conclusion of the process, Tim will prepare a ‘memorandum of understanding’ which can be given to solicitors. This will allow for a consent order to be drafted so that it may be placed before a court for its approval. For further information on his litigation work as a barrister please click here for his Chambers CV.
